Digital ID Done Right: Preserve Your Personal Online Freedom with allgram

November 28, 2022

Technology’s progress in the last decade has brought about proposed “solutions” to human issues from the digital realm that are under-examined and under-debated. As the internet has expanded to encompass virtually all realms of the real world, the digital tools that once empowered users are now being reconsidered as a means of control and standardization.

Paradoxically, should this future play out, the “information superhighway,” once so broad and welcoming in its early “frontier” days may have, in its future guise, fewer access points and exit ramps.

The broader technology infrastructure rollout around the globe has brought about once-unimaginable capabilities for centralized power and surveillance at a time when achieving consensus frameworks remains elusive. We hear of issues of digital integrity and online security raised and the bulk of the proposed solutions tend to be uniformly “top-down” in nature. And so the very empowerment promise of the internet, namely the democratization of free information exchange, is at stake.

The dizzying narratives around future digital standards—and specifically whose worldview gets to set them—has accelerated and an unsettling and unnerving sentiment has taken root. Many astute commentators and large sections of the public are decidedly uncomfortable about this seemingly unstoppable process; specifically, as “privacy” gets increasingly co-opted for means of control and setting one’s status.

Certainly, a “wish list” outline plan exists for such a so-called “full spectrum Digital ID” – a personal QR code used for everything from international travel to shopping and accessing medical services. Linked not only to health status but also to carbon footprint and possibly to social media accounts, this far-reaching concept rests on centrally issued and imposed Digital ID. Add in recently advanced concepts of travel passports linked to bodily health, centralized and “programmable” currencies to replace traditional money, and the once-unfathomable idea of a ”life-based” credit score to determine access to goods and services, and one can see why the notion of Digital Identity is one that has many civil liberties advocates more than a little unsettled.

The founding principles of allgram address all of these concerns head-on and proactively. allgram is the only communications application to be conceived on the blockchain with the express aim of empowering users. allgram users’ Digital ID is as it should be: created by the user and strictly for the user. Users validate their personal or business Digital ID on the blockchain and only the users holds the keys to their triple-encrypted data. The notion of “distributed trust” is quite rightly defined by allgram users themselves, and no one else. On allgram, You decide with whom you share your most cherished business and personal ideas— digital life as it should be.

allgram is therefore the most transparent and secure blockchain communication and Digital ID application in the world. By embracing Internet 3.0’s bright promises of peer-to-peer, distributed communication, allgram’s architecture eliminates the gate-keepers and invisible “men in the middle” who advocate for more centralized control. Users and businesses on allgram can communicate securely and without some indeterminate contingencies set from above. By giving our users the keys, and allowing them to freely exchange ideas and privileged communications, allgram transcends the petty debates of who gets to define– and leverage– digital control.

Sharing personal, business, or medical information under the control settings of each individual user is the prime outset of allgram’s mission. Your data is Yours and is only shared with those of each user’s consent. In such an uncertain world, what’s more empowering than allowing our users to decide the shape of their online existence?

Repudiate the gatekeepers clamoring for control and join the allgram community today!

allgram is available for download now on the PlayStore and Apple devices.

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