allgram: The Safest Collaboration Tool for Sharing Business Information Online

December 6, 2022

The World Wide Web has been likened to the wild west. If you’re careless while surfing online, or conducting online business, you’re vulnerable and your data is at risk. This can result not only in loss of privacy or reputation but sensitive data breaching and financial cost. Poor business cybersecurity practices in any company can let hackers access business secrets, financial information, customer data, employee records and even bank accounts. This can lead to the theft of millions of dollars or the exposure of confidential company information.

The recent Uber security breach brought the vulnerability of collaboration tools to the forefront of security professionals’ minds. Uber was forced to admit that the hackers had gained elevated access to many of its internal systems.

While before the pandemic this might not have registered as a high security risk. Today, however, collaboration tools have become primary technologies in the workplace and the value invested in these platforms grows exponentially every day.

The traditional wisdom is that in order to strengthen your cybersecurity, you have to implement both technical security controls and behavior-based security controls. This is because human errors contribute to many cyberattacks. According to research, a 50,000-person retail company sends upwards of 300 million collaboration messages each year with 95 percent of data breaches caused by human error.

The same retail outfit sees an average of 1,500 shares of credit card information per month while a 2021 report by Veritas Technologies discovered, “71% of office workers globally admitted to sharing sensitive and business-critical company data using [business collaboration] tools.”

Many organizations leveraged collaboration applications before the pandemic, many accelerated their use as workers “went remote” and, in many cases, continue to work offsite. This overnight transition left many companies without the ability to properly plan or secure, monitor and protect the company’s sensitive information shared on these platforms.

Widespread adoption of novel collaboration platforms has cybersecurity and compliance teams scrambling to identify security gaps and create risk mitigation plans as these do not offer the out-of-the-box, enterprise-grade governance and compliance tools that legal, compliance and security teams demand.

In most cases, employees are simply trying to work efficiently rather than obtain their own official credentials, but the informal, even casual nature of collaboration apps blurs the boundaries between social and corporate communication. Without training and guardrails, mistakes are inevitable and a bad actor infiltrating a network can quickly become a huge risk to the business.” quickly become a huge risk to the business.

So how do organizations grapple with the exponentially growing security risk of new collaboration tools? How can they avoid an Uber-like fiasco? Well, now there’s a new player in the field with a uniquely high level of encryption: allgram.

allgram is the cutting edge of blockchain communications technology. This means it has no central servers, and a peer-to-peer (P2P), distributed database. Hackers wouldn’t know where to start when trying to find your allgram data transaction. Only with allgram do you have your own, personally generated digital ID, validated on the blockchain and containing only the information you are willing to share.

While some communications applications offer “end-to-end encryption,” allgram’s triple-encrypted data transfer can only be accessed by blockchain-validated users who hold the Digital ID keys to each “end.” allgram is unquestionably the most secure collaboration tool in the world.

allgram is Internet 3.0. It symbolizes the future, offering an unparalleled and decentralized level of privacy and security. allgram can be used for personal information as well as business-to-business and consumer-to-business communications. The app is available for download now on your mobile device, with an online browser version set to launch early in 2023.

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